Bride of Blood:: First Kiss Read online

Page 14

  Her vampire eyes allowed her to see Anton lying naked on the bed. She began to walk towards him, taking her clothes off as she walked. By the time she had reached the bedside, her panties were around her ankles. She sat on the bed next to him and touched his chest. His muscles were very hard as she ran her fingers across his abdomen.

  Anton awoke, but without a start. He saw Rena’s beautiful face looking into his. He reached up and pulled her down to him. They kissed and he readily accepted her tongue when she parted his lips with it.

  They kissed for what seemed like several minutes. Not a word passed between them. She released herself from him and began to kiss a trail down his body. She stared at his chin and worked downward. When she made it down to his stomach, she softly grabbed his member, which was already hard and throbbing. She smiled up at Anton and then put it into her mouth.

  She rolled her tongue around the head and stroked his shaft. He began to moan as she did it. She was careful not to bare her fangs, but it was a struggle. She was as excited as he was. She sucked harder and harder and taking him deeper into her mouth. She did it for a while and then grabbing the shaft with her right hand, she put the head back into her mouth and sucked really hard. Anton gasped and almost felt himself pass out from the feeling and the pleasure.

  Rena lay back on the bed and Anton began to kiss a trail down her body, just as she had down to him. When he got to her belly, he gently parted her legs and touched her womanhood. She had no pubic hair at all and her clit was already erect and waiting for him. He expertly began to flick his tongue on her clit, and almost right away she gasped with delight. She grabbed the back of his head and begged him not to stop. Not even five minutes later she felt herself orgasm and almost cry out in ecstasy.

  Anton moved to the side of her and inserted his index and middle finger into her vagina. It was so wet and tight. She gasped again, breathing heavily as he moved his fingers in and out of her. Then he slipped his pinky finger into her anus and began moving all three fingers. Her eyes almost bugged out of her head as she moaned with delight. Finally, he once again began to go down on her and kept his fingers going, all at the same time. She came again and nearly dug her nails into the back of his skull.

  They made love for a long time. At times he moved slowly inside her and then would quicken the pace, much to her delight. When she was on all-fours, he inserted himself in her and began again. He grabbed hold of her ass and sped up again. She nearly screamed as she took every bit of him. She had already dug her nails deep into his back but the scratches had nearly healed by that point. Now she dug into the sheets and her palms. The pain in her hands was almost unbearable, but she ignored it and focused her attention back on Anton. Her vagina was so wet that he found himself slipping out of her now and again.

  As he tried to go back inside of her, he accidently slipped into her ass. As he was going to pull himself out, Rena said, “No, I want to feel all of you, in every part of my body.” So, he began to work his way into her, again, as she commanded. She was very tight there since vampires do not pass anything out of their bodies. She moaned again, both in pain and in excitement. He wasn’t very deep, but the sensation she felt was almost as intense as what she had been feeling, but in a different way.

  He was careful not to hurt her, but the tightness of her ass was driving him crazy. He wanted to bury himself as deep inside her as he could, and pound her, but he resisted. As he continued to move slowly in and out of her, he could feel her breathing intensify. He moved harder and deeper as her screams grew louder. She ripped the sheets in her hands and felt blood flow from her palms. The feeling began to fill Anton’s body, too, and he breathed harder. Suddenly, Rena climaxed and let out a cry of absolute orgasmic joy. Anton pulled himself out of her and felt himself climax. The blood spew out from his member all over her back. Then feeling spent, he collapsed beside her.

  Rena, was still breathing heavily as she felt her back and dipped her fingers into the blood. She put it in her mouth and sucked it from her fingers. Her palms had been healed of the wounds that she had made, but there was still blood on the sheets. She got off the bed and ripped the sheet off. Then she wiped her back with it, and then tossed it on the floor next to her panties.

  Anton was on his back and was barely conscious. Rena lay down with him and placed her head on his chest. Anton kissed her on her lips and he pulled the blanket over them. Anton’s body was as hard as ever, but it had lost some of its heat from the love-making and from his own orgasm. She would have to make sure she fed him first thing when they woke up.

  Rena felt herself begin to drift off, but before she did she whispered, “You know we’ll have to do this again sometime, right?”

  Anton answered, “Oh yes we will.” Then he fell asleep.

  Rena snugged up to him closer. If she had the chance, she knew that she could tame this rogue vampire. For a second she felt sad that he was leaving her. She knew that his heart truly belonged with Velara. She had never cared for her and truly didn’t see what Anton saw in her. But it was his life, and his heart that was leading him. Someday when his other head started leading him again, it would bring him right back to her bed.

  With a smile she fell asleep. For this day, she would keep Anton. In a short time he would belong to Velara. She had foreseen it.

  Chapter 14 Blissful Reunion

  A few days later Anton awoke and made his way into the city. It was the usual hustle and bustle of any city: people everywhere going every which way. As usual, no one really took any notice of him as the city usually held characters much stranger and more exotic than himself.

  He walked mindlessly through the downtown area, past expensive stores, high-end restaurants, and endless taxis and valet parking. As he left the alluring lights and illusions of downtown, he noticed that it grew much quieter. More storefronts were either closed with FOR SALE OR LEASE signs in the windows rather than merchandise. There were fewer and fewer working street lights, too. A darkness hung over the streets, and the sounds of bustling rats and other rodents replaced the carefree chatter of the city’s elite. This is the real city, Anton thought sadly. The part of town you only hear about on the ten o’clock news when a shooting or a robbery happens.

  Anton could feel some love in the air, though. He knew there were some good, hard working people that lived behind those doors and barred windows. Most people just got the wrong idea because they believed everything they saw on TV.

  Because the night was cold and breezy, there wasn’t a lot of activity on the streets. Most of the noises he heard with his vampiric ears was city wildlife, not people. Occasionally he heard muffled conversations from inside the buildings, but nothing really ear-catching.

  His mind started to wander. He thought of Africa and Lady Bernadine. It had been so warm there in the compound and in Lady Bernadine’s arms. Not that the cold bothered him because he rather enjoyed it. It was just that his visit was so brief and not too happy. Because of the eventual onset of war, he hadn’t even been able to make love to her. That was pretty much a given that he would find himself in her bed sometime during a visit. But this visit was different. Everything was different. Chances were good that things would never go back to the way they used to be.

  He thought of Christina Michelle. Her bed had been so warm, too. He thought of her beautiful eyes and her soft lips. Would he ever see her again?

  He thought of Alexander and Rachael. That brought a smile to his face. He missed them, dearly. Then he thought of Shannon and her terrible death. Could her death have something to do with this war? It seemed a possibility. It wouldn’t be the first time that Drago and The Order of the Dragon needlessly killed mortals that they considered to be collateral damage. Her death seemed too convenient and too much of a coincidence. He made a mental note that he would really look into it when he was able to return home.

  Suddenly a scream brought him back to reality. It was a woman’s scream, of that he was positive. It came from a block away and from the echo h
e determined that it came from an alley.

  Knowing that time could be of the essence, he took off in the direction of the scream. In a matter of seconds, he came to the alley and heard sounds of a struggle. He peered through the darkness and saw a woman being attacked. He couldn’t make out any details of her or her attacker, and he didn’t try. All he knew was that he had to act quickly. He couldn’t save Shannon, but he could save this woman. She would not have the same fate as Shannon did.

  In an instant Anton was upon the attacker. He threw the man against the unforgiving concrete wall of the building. He heard the sound of breaking bones, but he knew the blow was not enough to kill the man. He reached down and picked him up with one hand, his eyes blazing yellow and fangs bared. The attacker was scummy-looking white guy with a 2-3 day growth of beard. He could smell alcohol on his breath and a vile heart pumping in his chest. He could also read thoughts that told him this scumbag had killed before. Satisfied, Anton dug his fangs into the man’s neck. Blood soaked with alcohol flowed easily, sometimes too easily. He looked like Radu as the man’s blood splashed all over the outside of his mouth and face. Disgusted he ripped out the man’s throat and flung his lifeless body into a collection of garbage cans. Rats and feral cats ran screaming in all directions.

  Anton’s head was swimming as his body tried to ingest the blood. Blood with too much alcohol also made a vampire feel its effects. Anton suddenly felt like he was drunk as the alley started to spin around and he felt himself back up against the wall. The Rush wasn’t its usual joyful experience. Actually it wasn’t a rush at all, more like a drunken stupor. Then he felt nauseated and vomited. He breathed heavily as he wretched. Too much alcohol. How the son-of-a-bitch had even been able to stand, much less attack a woman was beyond him. As he finished, he felt a little relief. Obviously, his body had not been able to take any nourishment from the blood at all. Still the attacker was dead. One less scumbag mortal in the world.

  “Always the knight in shining armor, aren’t you…Anton?”

  The voice brought Anton back to reality. He’d forgotten about the woman until she spoke. How did she know his name? As his vision cleared he suddenly realized who she was. Velara. She looked the same as she had more than 150 years ago. The same dark eyes. The same long braids. And most of all, that wonderful smile.

  “Velara,” he said with a smile.

  She nodded as they ran into each other’s arms. They stood there in that dirty alley just like that for several moments, not caring about anyone of anything else. Then they kissed. It was as if they were both kissing for the first time in their lives. The time that they had spent apart went away. They were together, again.

  They didn’t speak very much as they left the alley, arm in arm. Velara put her head on Anton’s shoulder as they made their way back to the downtown area. They were simply taking in each other.

  Anton finally broke the silence when he asked, “Have you fed yet, my love?”

  “Oh yes,” she replied. “Not too long ago. That reminds me, dear, you’d better call The Cleaners and have them take care of that guy.”

  He nodded. Then he asked, “Exactly what were you doing in that alley, anyway?”

  She laughed, “I was trying to get dessert until you interrupted. So, you owe me.”

  He laughed, too, as he quickly made the necessary call. The Cleaners weren’t too pleased with having the pick up a body in that particular part of town. But Anton promised to pay them handsomely as soon as he could, so that shut them up.

  When they were back in the downtown area, Anton looked more closely at Velara. She was just as beautiful as he remembered her. It was almost as if he were seeing her for the first time. She was still radiantly beautiful. The city lights sparkled in her eyes and her dark brown skin seemed to glow. She was wearing a nice green dress and a coat that didn’t hide her shapely and curvy body.

  Velara looked back at Anton. She smiled warmly. She’d missed him so much. Of course he would have questions about where she’d been and why she’d left so suddenly. She sighed and put her head back on his shoulder. So many things had happened since she’d last seen him…so many adventures and trials and tribulations. It would take her ages to tell him everything. But she had no intention of doing so. She would tell him what she wanted him to know. Lady Bernadine had made that quite clear to her. There was some things that Anton didn’t need to know about, not yet.

  Velara suddenly felt sad as she realized that they would only be together for this night. She had to leave him again, but this time it wasn’t her choice. She had much to do in preparation for the coming war. Coming war, she suddenly thought. The war was on now! Mortals had already been caught in the crossfire of it. There was word that familiars would be the next target. It was hard to tell who would be attacked next. There would be many casualties on both sides. In the end, there would truly be no victor.

  Velara pushed the thoughts of the war out of her mind and looked up at Anton with a smile. She would focus on tonight, only, for the moment. She was happy to be back with the love of her life, even if it were only for one night. She would make the most of it.

  The hotel where they decided to stay was quite luxurious. Best of all, it was one of those types of hotels that was used to taking in all sorts of rich people with odd requests. When Anton asked for a large, black blanket to be sent to their room, it was ready with no questions. After making the request, Anton saw a few desk clerks taking several rolls of aluminum foil to another room. He was informed that a world, famous rock band was in town and that their drummer requested the stuff. He didn’t want to know.

  Settling into their room for the day, Anton and Velara fell into each other’s arms without a word. The taste of her lips was almost like the sweetest wine, or what he remembered of it. Her skin was its usual uncommon warmth, typical for a vampire of African American descent. Her long braids tickled his face and he kissed her deeply and passionately. All time, worry, space, and everything else was gone for the time they were spending together.

  Anton quickly disrobed Velara and eased her onto her back. She agreed and felt her body tingle as she knew that Anton was about to work his magic on her. His tongue found her clit and began to expertly flick it. She moaned with excitement and held the back of his head. The motions he made with his tongue filled her with delight and took her breath away. She moaned with pleasure and felt herself come very quickly. It usually never took long for her to do so when Anton performed oral on her.

  She sat up and kissed Anton’s mouth greedily. How much she had missed his warm lips and the taste of blood that never seemed to leave his mouth. She thrust her tongue deep into his mouth and he readily accepted her. She reached down and grabbed his already hard and throbbing member. He gasped as she stroked it up and down.

  She flipped her hair back and then settled in to begin a little magic of her own. She inserted it into her mouth and began to suck. She moved ever so carefully as to not bite it with her fangs as she held on with one hand and sucked hard on its head. Her tongue rolled around it and her full lips caressed the throbbing shaft.

  Anton was nearly beside himself with lust and passion as he lifted her head and kissed her again. In a split second Velara was on her back and Anton was upon her and inside of her. She moaned, eyes rolled back in her head and wrapped her arms around him. It had been so long. She had wanted him so badly and for so long that she had to remind herself that this was no dream. She was with the man that she loved. The man that had given her a blissful eternity and loved her more than humanly possible.

  The lovemaking continued for what seemed like hours. After they were both spent, they lay on the bed wrapped in the sheets and in each other. Anton was softly dozing and Velara stroked his long hair. She was continually knotting her fingers in his long locks. Suddenly she became aware that she was hungry and feeling very weak.

  “I don’t want to break this blissful afterglow, my love,” she whispered in Anton’s ear. “But I haven’t fed.”

/>   Anton sat up as if hit by a bolt of lightning. “Oh shit,” he exclaimed. He quickly dressed and said to her, “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.”

  A few hours later they were making love again, covered almost head to toe in blood. The dead prostitute lay on the floor next to the bed. Apparently she had once thought it was a great idea to slit the throats of her johns and take all their money after performing a job. She didn’t have a clue that the man she met that night could read her thoughts and discover her dirty little secret.

  The blood from the prostitute covered both of them, and the sheets of the bed. But neither of them cared. Blood was life, life that had been taken from the evil of the world to be their food. One life taken; one life given. That was what Lady Bernadine always told them.

  Later, it was Anton’s turn to look down at a sleeping Velara. She looked so quiet and peaceful, wrapped up in sheets and covered with blood. He had really missed her. Now they were going to be separated again. Maybe this time forever. There were so many questions he wanted to ask her. Where had she gone? Where had she been? Why did she leave? But he didn’t want to break the mood or even waken her. In the twilight, there would be calls to be made and plans to be made. War was upon them and there was no time for romance or questions. If they both lived, he promised himself that he would ask her all that he desired.

  Velara was only pretending to sleep. She didn’t require much sleep. Sometimes she could sleep for 3-4 hours a day, sometimes less. She was looking at Anton through the slits of her eyes. She truly had missed him, and she loved him. What she did to him wasn’t fair. He’d given her life and saved her from death. But there were things that she had needed to see and do. She had her descendants to look after and other things to do. It would take several days of explaining or a book-sized letter for her to explain everything to Anton. After the war was over, she would explain everything. That is, if Anton would still want her.